Petr Bende

The Greatest Hits of Petr Novák by Petr Bende

1. 11. 2023

Reduta Hall, 19.00

Greatest Hits of Petr Novák by Petr Bende with Moravian Philharmonic Olomouc is a concert about a great legend full of memories and hits that never grow old in contemporary interpretation. A project that would map and bring back unforgettable songs of Petr Novák, had been on Petr Bende’s mind for several years. To pay tribute, participate, as well as humbly guide the next generation – those were his main ideas.
Petr Bende will show you the greatest and most popular hits of Petr Novák. In consonance, sharing a similar view on life and music, and by voice that would present the story of those songs with sensitivity. You will hear songs Co je to láska, Přátelství na n-tou, Náhrobní kámen, Klaunova zpověď, Povídej, Já budu chodit po špičkách, Hvězdičko blýskavá and many more.


  • Petr Bende – vocals
  • Jan Lstibůrek – author of the orchestral arrangement
  • Stanislav Vavřínek – conductor

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