Organ Gifts for Bedřich Smetana

2. 9. 2024

St. Moritz Church Olomouc, 19.00

The festive opening of the International Organ Festival will mainly feature the pearls of organ literature by French authors. It will culminate in the performance of the Improvised Symphony based on the symphonic poem „My Fatherland“ by this year’s celebrant, Bedřich Smetana.


Thierry Escaich

Évocation II  

Johann Sebastian Bach

Prelude and Fuge in E minor, BWV 548  

Marcel Dupré

Prelude and Fuge in G minor, Op. 7, No. 3  

Zsolt Gárdonyi

Hommage à Marcel Dupré  

Louis Vierne

Naïades and Les cloches de Hinckley from „24 Pièces de Fantaisie“  

Karel Martínek

Improvised Symphony based on the symphonic poem „My Fatherland“ by Bedřich Smetana  


  • Karel Martínek – organ

The MFO concerts and operations are financially supported by

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