Misterios del Amor

12. 11. 2024

Mozart Hall, 17.30

This concert will bring to life the ancient songs of the Sephardic Jews and folk music of the Iberian world and Mediterranean region to remind us that love is worth living for. Each song touches on the theme of love differently but always as a personal confession, emotionally, temperamentally, and often with a spiritual overlay. The arrangement of this music is at the crossroads of classical, folk-traditional and jazz genres and offers an unusual trip to the hearts of people from foreign lands. Above all, it will reveal the mystery of love.


  • Plaisirs de Musique Ensemble
  • Eliška Tesařová – vocals
  • Marta Kratochvílová – flute
  • Marian Friedl – double bass
  • Kamil Slezák – percussion
  • Jan Čižmář – lute, guitar
  • Markéta Vejvodová – accompanying word, dramaturgy

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